Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Situational Leadership Approach

What is Situational Leadership?

Situational leadership is an approach to leadership which suggests that different leadership approaches are needed in different contexts and at different times. Developed by Hersey and Blanchard in 1969, this theory argues that multiple leadership styles working in concert are more effective than any one leadership style alone. This is a flexible model of leadership that makes room for changing approaches to match employee development level. It allows a leader to switch between directive and supportive behavior, as well as merge the two to empower individuals and teams to perform and grow personally and in business.(Anne Kinsey.,November 05,2018)

Important Situational Factors
  1. Leaders need to consider the relationship between the leaders and the members of the group. Social and interpersonal factors can play a role in determining which approach is best. For example, a group that lacks efficiency and productivity might benefit from a style that emphasizes order, rules, and clearly defined roles. A productive group of highly skilled workers, on the other hand, might benefit from a more democratic style that allows group members to work independently and have input in organizational decisions.

  1. The leader needs to consider the task itself. Tasks can range from simple to complex, but the leader needs to have a clear idea of exactly what the task entails in order to determine if it has been successfully and competently accomplished.

  1. The level of authority the leader has over group members should also be considered. Some leaders have power conferred by the position itself, such as the capacity to fire, hire, reward, or reprimand subordinates. Other leaders gain power through their relationships with employees, often by gaining respect from them, offering support to them, and helping them feel included in decision making process.

  1. As the Hersey-Blanchard model suggests, leaders need to consider the level of maturity of each individual group member. The maturity level is a measure of an individual's ability to complete a task, as well as his or her willingness to complete the task. Assigning a job to a member who is willing but lacks the ability is a recipe for failure.(Kendra Cherry.,September 29,2019)


The situational approach to leadership also avoids the pitfalls of the single-style approach by recognizing that there are many different ways of dealing with a problem and that leaders need to be able to assess a situation and the maturity levels of subordinates in order to determine what approach will be the most effective at any given moment.


Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Leadership Style Approach

What is Leadership Style?

Leadership style is the way a person uses power to lead other people. Research has identified a variety of leadership styles based on the number of followers. The most appropriate leadership style depends on the function of the leader, the followers and the situation.(Asaecenter)

A democratic leader is one who places high value on the diverse skills, qualities and knowledge base of their team. They will work to cultivate consensus within the group by consistently asking those around them, “What do you think?”and deeply listening to their answers. Doing so will tap into the collective wisdom the group has to offer in order to discover the next best step, and allow others to develop confidence in the leader.
Visionary leaders are at their best when it comes to finding new directions and new potential solutions to a given problem. This type of leader relies on abstract thinking and is able to visualize possibilities that many others aren’t yet able to see.

A coaching leader is one who spends a great deal of time and energy on the individuals in a given group. They will work on cultivating deep connections that allow for a more thorough understanding of an individual’s hopes, beliefs, dreams and values. One of the types of leadership styles that focuses on guiding rather than instructing, a coaching leader will direct others based on what influences their deepest desires, and cultivate a positive environment where encouragement and communication can flow freely.

Affiliative leadership focuses most intensely on building trust within the group and creating emotional bonds that will promote a sense of belonging to the organization. Affiliative leaders are particularly effective in times of stress or when group morale is low and are very successful at turning employees into raving fans of their companies. They have a knack for repairing broken trust in an organization, improving communication and fostering a sense of team harmony.
A pacesetting leader is one who leads by doing. They set high standards for themselves in the hope that others will follow their example. This is a good choice for groups that consist of self-motivated, high-performing people who are dedicated to improvement, which is why it’s commonly found in the military.

A commanding leader is the kind we most often see in movies and read about in books. They approach leadership with an attitude of “do as I say because I’m the boss,” giving directives and expecting others to follow orders without question. This is a very effective style in times of crisis when quick decisions need to be made.(Firewalker's guide of Leadership) 

The style approach to leadership emphasizes the behavior of the leader. It analyzes how leaders act in various situations.This leadership theory not only looks at the leader but also those being led and the environment in which the leadership occurs.


     1)    Asaecentre  wisetoast.com

     3)    Firewalker’s guide of Leadership

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